Forthcoming Events

Yoga, Reiki and Sound Healing Classes in Lincolnshire

Blu Cottam

Welcome! My name is Blu Cottam. I would like to introduce you to some transformative tools that have, for me, been inspirational, deeply healing and totally supportive of my spiritual journey.

My wish in sharing about these modalities is that you too may feel inspired to explore their benefits and may have the possibility to experience some beautiful shifts and greater well-being in your own life.

A little bit of my background

Practising and studying Yoga, which I first discovered in the 1970's felt like a real homecoming and a gift I simply had to share by starting to teach in 1989. Yoga has laid a solid foundation of spiritual wisdom and direction, opening doors to  many other healing explorations, as well as helping to keep me grounded and (mostly!) centred.

My next significant discovery and initiation was into the sacred healing art of Reiki and Seichem. This opening to spirit has been deeply helpful in times of emergency as well as in helping to deepen that beautiful inner connection. Best of all, I have been able to help many others with these healing gifts.

Studying with Vicky Wall further opened my eyes and heart through the magical spectrum of Colour and it's significance as a tool for consciousness and awakening to more of our potential, shining a light for clearer direction and how to really live our true colours. Working for many years at Aura-Soma to bring the healing colour energies together into their equilibrium bottles in dedication to Vicky's vision was a great privilege and important part of my development.

The introduction to Sound as a medium for bringing about healing, balance and happiness-felt like filling the heart with sunshine!! What a joy, to share with others in toning and singing together, feeling the added impetus of our "together" energy - a lovely sense of community, each of us free, individual, unique and independent and yet feeling the power of possibilities through our joining in harmony as one! The spiritual path does not need to be a lonely one!

Fully qualified Practitioner and Tutor of:

  • Sound Healing ( The College of Sound Healing)
  • Shamanic Healing (The College of Sound Healing)
  • Yoga (British Wheel of Yoga)
  • Reiki and Seichem (RASA) Healing
  • Colour Healing for the Soul. Trained with Vicky Wall, the innovator of Aura-Soma


  • Practitioner Training Course in Sound Healing with the Voice accredited by The College of Sound Healing, "The Practice of Sound Healing", for those who wish to work professionally with Sound Healing or to incorporate Sound Healing with their existing therapy practice. Also a personally transformative journey on all levels.
  • Reiki and Seichem (RASA) attunements and treatments.
  • Healing treatments: Sound Healing, Shamanic Healing, Reiki and Seichem (RASA) Healing and combinations, according to individual needs, including Colour and Crystals
  • Workshops: "Sound and Colour" and "Yoga and Sound" (also validated by the College of Sound Healing as options of "further Workshops" towards the completion of the College Practitioner training)
  • Vocal toning and Sound Bath: monthly Group, open to all.
  • Regular Classes: Yoga and Meditation, groups and one-one personal tuition.
  • Shamanic Healing: Practitioner Training

College of Sound Healing Tutor Accreditation

Blu Cottam